
Symbol: Sb
Atomic number: 51
Category: metalloids
Group: 15
Period: 5
Block: p
Atomic weight: 121.760 g/mol
Electrons per shell: 2, 8, 18, 18, 5
CAS number: 7440-36-0
Phase: solid
Density: 6.697 kg/dm3 (near room temperature)
Melting point: 903.78 K (630.63 °C, 1167.13 °F)
Boiling point: 1860 K (1587 °C, 2889 °F)
Crystal structure: rhombohedral
Oxidation states: -3, 3, 5
Electronegativity: 2.05 (Pauling scale)
Name's origin: antimonium
Name's meaning: the Latin word for 'monk-killer', as the early alchemists were monks, and antimony is poisonous
- the symbol Sb comes from the Latin word Stibium which means 'mark'
- has four allotropic forms
- the stable form of antimony is a blue-white metalloid, and the yellow and the black antimony are unstable non-metals
- is used in flame-proofing, paints, ceramics, enamels, a wide variety of alloys, electronics, and rubber
- is a silvery white, brittle, fusible, crystalline solid that exhibits poor electrical and heat conductivity properties and vaporizes at low temperatures
- antimony and many of its compounds are toxic - clinically, antimony poisoning is very similar to arsenic poisoning
- was used in Biblical times as medicine, and in Islamic/Pre-Islamic times as a cosmetic