
Symbol: Lv
Atomic number: 116
Category: unknown, probably a post-transition metal
Group: 16
Period: 7
Block: p
Atomic weight: (293) g/mol
Electrons per shell: 2, 8, 18, 32, 32, 18, 6 (predicted)
CAS number: 54100-71-9
Phase: presumably a solid
Density: 12.9 kg/dm3 (predicted)
Melting point: 637–780 K (364–507 °C, 687–944 °F) (predicted)
Boiling point: 1035–1135 K (762–862 °C, 1403–1583 °F) (predicted)
Crystal structure: unknown
Oxidation states: -2, +2, +4 (predicted)
Electronegativity: unknown
Name's origin: Livermore
Name's meaning: the city of Livermore, California, USA, which collaborated with JINR on the discovery
- is a radioactive synthetic element
- is sometimes called eka-polonium
- was also proposed to be named moscovium