Soda-Lights kickoff meeting

From top left: Prof. Mark Weller, MSc Sami Vuori, Dr. Miradije Rama, Prof. Henrik Friis, Prof. Esa Heilimo, Dr. Ludo van Goethem, Prof. Tangui Le Bahers, and Prof. Mika Lastusaari.

We had the first meeting of the Soda-Lights project. With Sami and Mika from IMC, we have expert collaborators Prof. Mark Weller (Cardiff, UK), Prof. Henrik Friis (Oslo, Norway), Dr. Ludo van Goethem (Antwerp, Belgium), Prof. Tangui Le Bahers (Lyon, France), Dr. Miradije Rama (Espoo, Finland) and Prof. Esa Heilimo (Turku, Finland). The project is now well on the way with interesting results to be expected.