IMC & hackmanite in the headlines during New Year

IMC and hackmanite were in the headlines right before the New Year’s Eve. First, on Friday 29/12 there was an interview with Prof. Mika on Yle’s radio news, and the next day Yle published the article “In Turku, a special stone that changes color and glows in the dark is being researched – soon a sensor built from it will go into space” related to our project with the European Space Agency.

The article (only in Finnish):

Hackmanite’s popularity expands through 18 newspapers

Hackmanite’s popularity expanded again when Tomi Kangasniemi, an experienced journalist from the Keskisuomalainen Group, visited Aurum to interview Mika, Isabella and Sami about hackmanite research and the uses of the material. The story was published on Dec 28 and ended up in at least 18 different newspapers: Keskisuomalainen, Karjalainen, Aamuposti, Itä-Savo, Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, Kymen Sanomat, Länsi-Savo, Uusimaa, Etelä-Saimaa, Itä-Häme, Länsi-Uusimaa, Savon Sanomat, Hämeen Sanomat , Keski-Uusimaa, Iisalmen Sanomat, Forssan Lehti, Kouvolan Sanomat and Warkauden Lehti. Read the article (€) at

Hackmanite research in the Aurora magazine (Mika on the cover!)

Professor Mika Lastusaari as the cover face of the latest issue of Aurora.

Mika, Sami, Hannah and Isabella are in the latest issue of Aurora magazine, where they were interviewed about their research. The article deals with the history of hackmanite research, which became a scientific phenomenon in the IMC group. Read the article in the physical magazine that is distributed on campus or electronically at

IMC & hackmanite in the main national TV news

Mika, Sami, and Hannah in the main national TV news 25/4/2022 at 20:30.

We have now been in the big news headlines about our hackmanite research. First, there was a big deal in Turku Sanomat’s print paper and website (, and yesterday we got nationwide coverage when we were on Finnish Broadcasting Company’s (Yle) main news broadcast at 8:30 pm! Yle’s story can be found at

We were at the end of the main national TV news at 20.30: (from 18:35 onwards)

Yle also published the same in their radio: (from 7:50 onwards):