IMC blog is currently under reconstruction. For current news and publications, please visit our Instagram at imc_utu.
Visit to Turku University Hospital
Today, Mika, Sami and Natalia visited Turku University Hospital to test imaging using biocompatible photonic glass. With the help of medical physicist Heli Larjava and radiological nurse Terhi Nieminen we got very nice results.

Kemistin työkalupakki: osa 14
Kemistin työkalupakin neljännessätoista osassa dosentti Anssi Peuronen esittelee yksikideröntgendiffraktometrin toimintaa.
Kemistin työkalupakki: osa 13
Kemistin työkalupakin kolmannessatoista osassa dosentti Anssi Peuronen esittelee jauheröntgendiffraktometrin (XRD) toimintaa.
Sami spoke about his PhD work at Chemist Club of Turku’s meeting
Dr. Sami Vuori spoke yesterday 29.2.2024 about his dissertation work “Reversible Photochromism of Synthetic Hackmanites in Radiation Detection And Quantification” at the spring meeting of the Chemist Club of Turku (Turun Kemistikerho). Sami demonstrated the coloration of hackmanite samples with UV light using the props he brought, which gave the audience a tangible understanding of the topic. Photos by Pietari Huuskonen.

Long time no see: Prof. Lucas C. V. Rodrigues visits IMC

Last week, IMC alumnus and honorary member Professor Lucas Carvalho Veloso Rodrigues visited us to conduct research and promote potential student exchange opportunities between UTU and the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, focusing on Chemistry and Molecular Science programs. As the largest university in Latin America, USP welcomes students at all levels. Explore exchange details at

From left to right: Prof. Mika Lastusaari, Dr. Minnea Tuomisto, Prof. Lucas C. V. Rodrigues, Dr. Sami Vuori
Kemistin työkalupakki: osa 12
Kemistin työkalupakin kahdennessatoista osassa tohtori Sami Vuori esittelee röntgenfluoresenssispektrometrin (XRF) toimintaa.
DemoDay February 8
Today February 8 a DemoDay for first-year high school students was organized, where approx. 1,300 high school students from Turku and Parainen got to visit the universities in the Turku area. During the day, IMC held demos and presentations for a total of eight groups, with the following topics:
– Why blood has a red colour? (Ari Lehtonen)
– Glowing materials (Sami Vuori & Minnea Tuomisto)
– Intelligent sensor materials inspired by nature (Mika Lastusaari)
Thanks to all participants, and we wish you fruitful moments studying chemistry!

Kemistin työkalupakki: osa 11
Kemistin työkalupakin yhdennessätoista osassa dosentti Anssi Peuronen esittelee synteesiuunin toimintaa.
Kemistin työkalupakki: osa 10
Kemistin työkalupakin kymmenennessä osassa professori Mika Lastusaari esittelee valokaapin toimintaa.