Mika defends his 2nd thesis on Saturday!

Dr. Mika Lastusaari defends his thesis from the Faculty of Education, Department of Teacher Education on Saturday 10th of November at 12 o´clock noon in the lecture hall Educarium 1. His thesis is titled “Persistence in major in relation to learning approaches – Development of a questionnaire for university chemistry students”.

Amazing job and well done, Mika! We are thrilled that we’re going to have a two-times Dr. (or maybe Dr.Dr.) in our research group soon!

“Historiallinen väitöstutkimus yliopistopedagogiikasta” News at UTU Intranet (only with UTU login) in Finnish
“Uusi työkalu auttaa tunnistamaan opiskelijat joiden opinnot ovat vaarassa keskeytyä” Bulletin at UTU (www) in Finnish.
Thesis (in UTUpub)