News: Hackmanite based SensoGlow material for UV exposure detection

Variety of news covers the development of new hackmanite based SensoGlow material that can be used in detecting UV exposure on their www pages. Unfortunately most of them are only in Finnish.

Tutkijat kehittivät säteilyä mittaavan materiaalin – UV-altistusta voi kohta seurata kännykkä-appsilla  (Only in Finnish) Turun Sanomat (www TS+) (17.5.2018)

University of Turku News announcements about the topic:
Uusi materiaali tunnistaa helposti UV-säteilyn määrän – mahdollisuus seurata omaa altistumista  (Only in Finnish) (16.5.2018)
and the same in English
New Material Detects the Amount of UV Radiation and Helps Monitor Radiation Dose (22.5.2018)

Same news is also featured in other chemistry and physics related pages such as and