News: Hackmanite based SensoGlow material for UV exposure detection

Variety of news covers the development of new hackmanite based SensoGlow material that can be used in detecting UV exposure on their www pages. Unfortunately most of them are only in Finnish.

Tutkijat kehittivät säteilyä mittaavan materiaalin – UV-altistusta voi kohta seurata kännykkä-appsilla  (Only in Finnish) Turun Sanomat (www TS+) (17.5.2018)

University of Turku News announcements about the topic:
Uusi materiaali tunnistaa helposti UV-säteilyn määrän – mahdollisuus seurata omaa altistumista  (Only in Finnish) (16.5.2018)
and the same in English
New Material Detects the Amount of UV Radiation and Helps Monitor Radiation Dose (22.5.2018)

Same news is also featured in other chemistry and physics related pages such as and

A set of publications incl. complexes, glasses and UV index determination

Below  you can find a collection of our newest publications. They include detailed vibrational studies in complexes, collaboration concerning glass-ceramics and solar UV index determination using hackmanites.

Norrbo, I., Curutchet, A., Kuusisto, A., Mäkelä, J., Laukkanen, P., Paturi, P., Laihinen, T., Sinkkonen, J., Wetterskog, E., Mamedov, F., Le Bahers, T., and Lastusaari, M., “Solar UV index and UV dose determination with photochromic hackmanites: from the assessment of the fundamental properties to the device” Mater. Horizons 5 (2018) 569-576.
Read online:

Ojha, N., Laihinen, T., Salminen, T., Lastusaari, M., and Petit, L., “Influence of the phosphate glass melt on the corrosion of functional particles occurring during the preparation of glass-ceramics” Ceram. Int. 44 (2018), 11807-22811.
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Peuronen, A., Sillanpää, R., and Lehtonen, A., “The Syntheses and Vibrational Spectra of 16O‐ and 18O‐Enriched cis‐MO2 (M=Mo, W) Complexes”, ChemistrySelect 3 (2018) 3814-3818.
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Emilia receives FinTAC travel grant

Emilia received a travel grant from Finnish Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Association FinTAC ry (www) for the 7th EuCheMS Chemistry Congress (www) held in Liverpool, United Kingdom on 26–30th of August. The grant was awarded to her at the FinTAC ry meeting in Tampere university of Technology by the chairman Prof. Vesa-Pekka Lehto (right) and M.Sc. (Tech.) Markus M. Hackspik. Congratulations, Emilia!

In addition, check out new collaboration publication about borosilicate glasses with persistent luminescence.

Del Cerro, P.R., Salminen, T., Lastusaari, M., and Petit, L., “Persistent luminescent borosilicate glasses using direct particles doping method”, Scripta Mater. 151 (2018) 38-41.
Read online:

Funding news and congratulations!

Esko got funding for his PhD topic in “Near infra-red absorbing metal complexes and their use in solar energy” from Walter Ahlström foundation, Minnea got additional funding from Finnish Cultural Foundation into “Luminescent materials and perovskites in solar energy” and Emilia got funded by Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä foundation. Congrats to all and keep doing the good job!

Walter Ahsltrömin säätiö apurahat (www)
Suomen kulttuurirahasto (www)
Väisälä apurahat 2017 (pdf)

Here are also some news about the Eskos funding, unfortunately only in Finnish.
University of Turku news (www)
Technology Academy of Finland (www)

Publications: Upconverting thin films and microparticles in glass melt

Check out our new publication from the collaboration with Aalto university about ALD/MLD fabricated thin films with upconversion luminescence.

Giedraityte, Z., Tuomisto, M., Lastusaari, M., and Karppinen, M., “Three-and two-photon NIR-to-vis (Yb,Er) upconversion from ALD/MLD fabricated molecular hybrid thin films”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10 (2018) 8845–8852.
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Another new publication concerns the decomposition of luminescent microparticles in glass melt and is a result from the collaboration with Tampere university of technology.

Ojha, N., Nguyen, H., Laihinen, T., Salminen, T., Lastusaari, M., and Petit, L., “Decomposition of persistent luminescent microparticles in corrosive phosphate glass melt”, Corros. Sci. 135 (2018) 207-214.
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New collaboration publication about silica glasses

New collaboration publication about the spectroscopic properties of Yb doped silica glasses is published. Check it out below.

Glorieux, B., Salminen, T., Massera, J., Lastusaari, M., and Petit, L., “Better understanding of the role of SiO2, P2O5 and Al2O3 on the spectroscopic properties of Yb3+ doped silica sol-gel glasses”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 482 (2018) 46-51.
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New collaboration publication about bioactive luminescent glasses

Check out a new collaboration publication about bioactive glasses with persistent luminescence. Funnily enough, it is also the first publication of the year 2018. 🙂

Saarinen, M., Nommeots-Nomm, A., Hokka, M., Laurila, J., Norrbo, I., Lastusaari, M., Massera, J., and L. Petit, ”Persistent luminescent particles containing bioactive glasses: Prospect toward tracking in-vivo implant mineralization using biophotonic ceramics”, ‎J. Eur. Ceram. Soc 38 (2018) 287-295.
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